Age Of Wushu Weiqi Manual Programs

Weiqi Online GameAge Of Wushu Weiqi

Life Professions Life professions can be divided into four categories: Collection, Manufacturing, Culture, and Marketplace. Every category except Culture can be learned in all five major cities (Luoyang, Suzhou, Yanjing, Jinling, and Chengdu), and all birth towns (Jiming Posthouse, Qiandeng Town, and Yanyu Villa). Culture professions can only be learned in the five major cities. You may only pick one profession out of each category, except for collection. The first profession learned costs 50 wen Coins, each new profession costs more (up to 70 wen Coins) Profession Instructions How to learn a Profession • Click “M” to open the map, and select the Life Shifu tab to see all the Life Shifus on the map.

Feb 18, 2013 Skill Category - Age of Wushu: The skills in AoW can be categorized in many ways. Lets start with the most basic classification based on the functionality.

• For example, if you want to become a farmer, find the Farmer Shifu on the map and speak to them. • Click “I” to check your current professions. • Each Life Profession has corresponding Life Skills. How to learn a Profession About search: You can search the map for available materials corresponding to your Collecting Professions. About collect: A passive skill that allows you to right-click a material to collect it. How to check profession materials distribution on map Click “ M” and select the Collection Material tab, to see all profession materials on the Map.

Collecting Life Skills Hunter Hunters acquire hides, meats, and bonus items used to make equipment and food. The items you get from skinning correspond to your Hunter level. For example, you can only get certain items from skinning if you are at higher levels. Tip: Press “M”, then select “Search for NPC” to find a specific beast.

Miner Miners collect different types of ores, and produce extra items such as gems. You can check the location of mines through the interface. Tip: After you find an ore node, you will be able to see the placement of the node on your map. Only miners can select the ore option on the map, and smelt ores. Speak And Write Software Greek. Woodcutter Woodcutters provide lumber. Tip: After you find a wood node, you will be able to see the placement of the node on your map. Only woodcutters can select the wood option on the map.

Farmer Farmers collect important materials for the Chef and Tailor professions. Process Crops In the crops process interface, Farmers can process various food materials without using Vigor or Silver. Planting Crops • You can purchase crops seeds and Silkwork eggs from Farmer Shifus. Tip: Some seeds cannot be purchased from Farmers Shifu, they can only be gotten from Faction Challenge or the Forbidden Instance. Using seeds: When you are in a Farmland area, you can right-click the seed to plant. It will take 3 minutes to mature, during that period crops may be affected by weeds and insects.

You need to use the corresponding medicine on the crops, or they will die. You can purchase pesticide and weeding medicine from Farmers.

Using Silkworm Eggs: When close to a Silkworm Stand, right-click a Silkworm Egg to plant. The rearing period is 3 minutes, during that time you need to pay attention to the amount of Mulberry leaves that have been eaten. You can purchase Silkworm Medicine and Mulberry Leaves from Farmers. Fisherman Fishermen obtain fish and shrimp, and have a chance to catch rare fish. Fishing also provides extra gameplay: click on the left and right mouse button to reel a fish in. Manufacturing Life Skills Tailor Tailors make armor. Their Embroidery skill can increase the certain armor attributes.

How to become a Tailor Click “M” to open the map, and locate the Tailor Shifu. Talk to them and follow the task instructions to become an Tailor. Tip: You can only select one of the six Manufacturing Professions. Tailor Skills Tailor, Embroider, Combining, and Disassembling Embroider: Enhancing Armor Tip: The second and fourth Armor Enhancements for Hats, Overcoats, Pants, and Shoes must be done by a Tailor. However, there is a certain chance to Enhance Bracers and Greaves with Tailor skills.