Bestseller Myrtillus Crack

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Vaccinium Myrtillus

So it seems Amazon may be cracking down on indie authors again. If you have ‘bestseller’ on your book cover be prepared to show proof that it was, in fact, a bestseller. And from the looks of the email below, it seems like anything that may give readers a skewed perspective of your book could lead to KDP contacting you and/or your book getting pulled.

This also falls into the category of “Amazon Bestseller” which hasn’t been allowed for a while, but the vetting of general bestseller status is pretty new. If you have a book that has “bestseller” or other “extra descriptive content” on the cover, be prepared to get an email from Amazon/KDP. In the case of books that claim “bestseller” status, you’ll need to send them a link that proves it.

Not sure how to find your proof? Here is a link to find that information on USA Today: This also begs the question: what is a bestseller? I mean really? Does it have to hit a certain # on a list? I fe el like there’s a lot more discussion on this to come for indie authors! I’ll keep an eye out for future developments and will keep you posted! I’d love to know what you think of this!

Please comment below! Here is the email from KDP: During a quality assurance review of your KDP catalog, we found that the following book(s) you have published contains extra descriptive content in the cover image. Extra descriptive content in your book’s cover field that is not part of your book’s actual title can be distracting or misleading to our customers. Examples of items that are prohibited in the title field and cover image include but are not limited to unauthorized reference to other authors or titles, advertisements, or reference to sales rank (bestselling). In order to avoid setting false customer expectations, if your cover image includes reference to a national or international bestseller list, please reply to this email to provide verification of this claim. We ask that you fix the above book(s) as well as all of your catalog’s affected books and re-submit them for publishing within 5 business days. American Streamline Pdf.