Cadstar Design Viewer 12.1

Hi Folks, I am using Cadstar Design Editor 12. Serial Number Delphi Prism Xe. League Of Legends Rp Keygen Crestron Programming Software here. here. 1 with Patch 4, and I have a problem which I don’t know from where it comes. When I try to add a connection between two pins (in this case, “9V” and pin 2 of R1 resistor): The tool instead of create a straight line, it creates automatically strange segments that must to be repaired manually afterword: Other example: Other example where I went straight from pin2-R1 to 9V, but Cadstar has drawn this: I have been trying with different Grids, even now I use Grid=0.1mm, but the tool continues doing this strange behavior. Maybe something is wrong configured, but I don’t know.

Cadstar Design Viewer