I386 Eula.txt

Eula Txt File

If you had an agreement to have them install XP, I would go back to the company you purchased it from and ask them to install it free of charge. Otherwise, if that isn't an option. Search Micro$oft's Knowledge base (). They might have something in there.

Make sure to type in the exact error message that you get. Mike Wills RPG Programmer (but learning Java) 'Kernel Panic has performed an Illegal Operation, so I must defrag the situation before Dr. Watson reads the logs and discovers a lost cluster.' RE: XP fresh install EULA error (Instructor) 23 Oct 01 17:00. Do you seriously think I would post this question if it was not a legal copy!

The doorknobs where I bought the computer took over three weeks to get the computer ready when I bought it from them, so I am not going back there with any question! And yes I do not what EULA stands for! The sticker with the key is located on the computer case. I finally got it to work but installing my version of windows 98, then upgrading (or migrating, I can never remember?) to windows XP Home. I have had this problem with client computers and windows 2000. It is a real pain to have to install a serrogate operating system to get the prefered one to work! Troy Williams B.Eng.

I'm attempting to install a Win2k Pro version. I get a message that says 'Unable to find the end-user licence agreement' but I see EULA.TXT in the i386 dir on the.

RE: XP fresh install EULA error (Instructor) 25 Oct 01 12:12. It seems to me that it is an OEM disk, since I purchased a new dell. I thought that this disk would work after I formated the hard drive (I hate the way dell partitions the drives! Counter-strike Zombie on this page. ).

This is what happened, I booted from the disk, it copied a bunch of temporary files to the hard drive and then it complained about the EULA. Raheem Devaughn The Love Experience Zip. Then I tried booting from a win 98 boot disk, as I couldn't figure out how to make an XP boot disk from the cd-rom. There didn't appear to be any boot disk directory like in w2k. Anyway that did the samething. I had encountered this before with w2k pro on a client's machine. I solved the problem there by installing windows NT, then W2k pro. The client had purchased a full version of w2k pro from office depot.

I am at a loss and I don't know what is going on. I am nervous about doing a clean install for my clients. Troy Williams B.Eng. RE: XP fresh install EULA error (Instructor) 26 Oct 01 12:40. Fenris, I too wanted a fresh install.

I deleted all my partitions and re-created a fresh clean one. I did NOT do any formatting.

I booted from the cd (mine booted just fine, I have an upgrade though). Investments And Portfolio Management Bodie Pdf. The installation process made me switch my XP Pro disk with my ME disk and then back. When XP Pro installed, it found the unformatted partition and asked wheter I wanted a FAT32 or NTFS partition.

I have had zero problems. You might try this solution RE: XP fresh install EULA error (IS/IT--Management) 2 Nov 01 14:52. I've read from others that there is an issue of the number on installs you can do EVEN IF u have a legal copy of XP. 'For one, you can only legally put this on 2 computers. It requires activation by Microsoft and they won't let you put it on more than 2 computers. The problem is, I installed Windows XP and it caused problems with both of my systems (check for my review of Windows XP).

So, I had to reformat and reinstall all of my software. When I went to reinstall office, I had to call Microsoft and argue with them to get them to allow me to use the software.

After paying $500, I was pretty angry. The support rep at Microsoft told me if my computers crashed again, even though it is because of their operating system, I would have to repurchase Windows and Office XP.

That is $900 (2X $200 Windows XP professional on 2 systems and 1X $500 for Office XP). They said I would no longer be able to activate my software after only 1 day of owning it!!! ' HAS ANY0NE HAD TO REINSTALL SEVERAL TIMES AND HAD THIS EXPERIENCE? RE: XP fresh install EULA error (MIS) 12 Nov 01 11:07.