Inno Setup Script Silent Install Script
Installing Applications Using Inno Setup Doug Hennig. For installation settings, it uses script files, which are just text files similar in structure to INI files. Inno Script Studio presents your Inno Setup script in a. Any software developer can define and maintain their installation script with Inno Script Studio.
» Switches Applications packaged with Inno Setup supports the /SILENT and /VERYSILENT switches. /SILENT only displays a progress bar while /VERYSILENT doesn't display anything at all. Setup.exe /VERYSILENT You might get this dialog window asking if you want to continue installation: We can simply get around that using the following switch instead: setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- Some Inno Setup installers will attempt to open the program when setup completes, ISOBuster is one example of doing this.
Again, we can simply overcome this by using an in-built utility in Windows XP known as Taskkill. Below is an example of code you could use in a batch file to install an application that uses Inno Setup. ECHO Installing ISOBuster 1.4 ECHO Please wait.
Start /wait%systemdrive% install Applications ISOBuster IsoBuster14.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- ECHO. ECHO Killing ISOBuster.exe process taskkill.exe /F /IM isobuster.exe ECHO. This works fine if you will only be installing on Windows XP systems as taskkill isn't available in Windows 98 or 2000. For Windows 98 and 2000 users you can download pskill.exe from the web site and include it in the same folder as Inno setup file. Then replace the taskkill.exe /F /IM isobuster.exe with '%~dp0pskill' isobuster.exe. Note that within a batch file%~dp0 expands to the drive letter and path of the batch file including the trailing backslash and I've included quotes around the command incase there is a space in the path.
Some Inno installers reboot the system. This can be prevented by using the /NORESTART option.
Setup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP- /NORESTART You can change the installation directory using the /DIR switch. Don't forget the hyphens ('). » How do I install select components and perform certain tasks? Anuko World Clock Full Version. The Inno installer supports the /COMPONENTS and /TASKS command line options which you can use to install a selected group of components and perform (or not perform) selected tasks. To see what is available in the installation package, use the with the -m option to extract the setup system hidden files. There will be a file with a.iss extension that will have the data that you will need.
An example command line for spybot162.exe that will install ONLY the components main, language, and skins.