James Ferraro Far Side Virtual

James Ferraro Far Side Virtual Full AlbumJames Ferraro

Find a James Ferraro - Far Side Virtual first pressing or reissue. Complete your James Ferraro collection. Shop Vinyl and CDs. Inspired by goofy junk like the Brian Eno-composed Windows 95 sound and the melodies that kick out of a keyboard when you punch 'demo,' Far Side Virtual is a. Far Side Virtual, an Album by James Ferraro. Released October 25, 2011 on (catalog no. HIT013; Vinyl LP). Genres: Vaporwave, Sequencer & MIDI. Inspired by goofy junk like the Brian Eno-composed Windows 95 sound and the melodies that kick out of a keyboard when you punch 'demo,' Far Side Virtual is a.

Photo: Megan Mack Imagine the moment your dentist gives you nitrous oxide and the new age elevator music blurs into one strange noise with the office sounds and humming machines—listening to James Ferraro's new LP, Far Side Virtual, leaves you with that same pleasantly zoned-out feeling: a minimal, pop soundtrack to the shopper's high. With song titles like 'Palm, Trees, Wi-Fi and Dream Sushi' and 'Fro Yo and Cellular Bits,' Ferraro pulls a musical still-life out of the digital metropolis for a totally modern experience. The album, which comes out today on, prompted a quick post-concert conversation with the LA-based musician on Carrie Bradshaw, ringtones and the magic of Versace. ELLE: I couldn't stop watching the Michael Jackson videos playing behind you. Melker The Elk Hunt V1 04a Serial. Why did you choose that footage to go along with your performance? JAMES FERRARO: The visuals are from This Is It, the Michael Jackson documentary.

I wanted the music to represent this slicked out, newer vibe. Visual Basic 2010 Games Source Code Software more. And it goes along with this 21st century pop star with plastic surgery. I usually use the visual element; I did have a Sex and the City episode playing before, which was really fun. I like to score these things that are happening, and also kind of directly relate [them] to society. And then I've also used Toy Story 3, and lots of Pixar. I want the music to have this modern appeal, kind of like graffiti-ing over this modern work of art, not enhancing it, but coloring over it in my own way. ELLE: Your album cover features Google street view imagery and an iPad.

What's the story behind your design? JF: The cover art was to be an introduction to what the music is. Qtp Testing Software Tools. And it's mainly just trying to create some kind of symphonic music based off of ringtones or start-up chimes or computer noises and just things that are in our infrastructure. ELLE: The art and the music reminds me of those shots after the credits in a TV show, that say the name of the company that made a show. JF: An Ident.

Yeah, at the end, it's this little two-second world. The music took from that a little bit. I wanted to take elements of all that little peripheral, hard to place, things that are embedded in our memory, and not necessarily define them, but use this to paint kind of a still life of now. ELLE: In your dream, aesthetic virtual world, what would you wear? JF: Like what would my avatar on Second Life look like?

Decked out in Versace, completely. The record is deeply influenced by fashion. I was just on Fifth Avenue the other day and went into the Versace store and was just blown away. But there are so many things I'm into. I would be in thigh highs and some pretty cool high heels probably a leather jacket, and definitely a Versace phone. ELLE: I'm curious about Sex and the City as a point of reference for you. On your Condo Pets EP you titled one of your songs 'Find Out What's on Carrie Bradshaw's iPod'—can you explain?

JF: Carrie Bradshaw was a really interesting figure for our time and very influential in the world, yet the fact that she's a fictional character ties in with my idea of being Far Side Virtual, and things being present, but also virtual. And even the principles she represents in the show are very real, and actually have this meaning in real life. What I wanted to do was use this reference to relate to the rest of the things I was doing, meaning there was this element of a thing that's not so tangible, like this physicality that's missing but it is operating and kind of affecting people invisibly. This music takes on this character of one who is shooting down Fifth Avenue and consuming Starbucks lattes and I was thinking about it in that way. ELLE: For awhile it seemed like every single woman had that Sex and the City ringtone, that marimba intro tune. JF: If you listen to Far Side Virtual, and think about that, you will be like, 'Oh my god this is definitely like this theme song.' I don't know if you heard 'Condo Pets'—that one comes from someone carrying a little tiny dog in his purse, and imagining his little point of view though the purse and just being driven through Manhattan.