Osce And Clinical Skills Handbook Pdf
• Emphasis on basic clinical skills facilitates learning by junior medical students. • Question and answer format suitable to a variety of learning levels facilitates the learning of basic skills for junior medical students and helps senior medical students develop an approach to clinical symptomatology.
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• Important points are presented in an easy-to-read bulleted list format. Saaheb 1985 Full Movie. • Sample OSCE Scenarios and Sample Checklists provide accurate and realistic simulations of the OSCE exam format for students. • The OSCE Checklist Template enables students to construct their own sample checklists using cases from the book and helps them develop an approach to a variety of clinical scenarios. • A sample in-depth OSCE case provides an opportunity for practice. • The body systems approach and tabbing system provide fast and easy access to the content.
Download Map & Guide Pc Truck Navigator 7 more. Table of Contents. Microsoft Virtual Cd Rom Utility. Introduction What is an OSCE? How is an OSCE Graded? How Should I Prepare for an OSCE? How To Use This Book Professionalism Communication Cross-Cultural Communication Breaking Bad News Medical History Documentation Summative Objectives Abbreviations Chapter 1: Cardiovascular System Chapter 2: Respiratory System Chapter 3: Gastrointestinal System Chapter 4: Genitourinary System Chapter 5: Nervous System Chapter 6: Musculoskeletal System Chapter 7: Dermatology Chapter 8: Hematology Chapter 9: Endocrinology Chapter 10: Psychiatry Chapter 11: Obstetrics and Gynecology Chapter 12: Pediatrics Chapter 13: Geriatrics Chapter 14: Ethics Appendix A: Sample In-Depth OSCE Case.