Run Batch File Nt Authority System

You can do this without creating a shortcut. Simply set up a scheduled task and set the field “Run as:” to “NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM” (no quotes). I have setup a simple.bat file in XP, (all it does is populates a txt file with the time it ran), put the path of the file in the Run: text box, then set the Run as: = NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM, then set it to run every minute. The window that use to come up doesn’t anymore. The way i figured it out was by setting up a scheduled task using the command line. Pes 2004 Full Version.

As you can see from the log information you have posted, the batch file is being run as the user 'NT Authority System' when run from SCCM. When you run it manually. Run as “NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM” is ideal for scheduled. Chrome installs it's auto-update task to run as 'NT AUTHORITY SYSTEM'. Run minimized batch file task.

C: at 13:30 “c: time.bat” ^c: output.txt Doing this basically created a scheduled task in Task Scheduler to run time.bat at 1:30pm. When i went to task scheduler, it had a task called AT# (when you set up the task through the command-line, it tells you that it added a new job with job ID = #, where # is some number. ^c: output.txt tells it to output to a text file called output.txt. (i don’t know how to actually set this output file when setting up a task through the GUI) If you click on the Task AT# in task scheduler and look at the Run as: textbox, you should see a value that you should be able to use to run this task without the window showing up. Assuming the app is installed in the same location for all machines, manually create the shortcut on one workstation. Create a folder in netlogon of a domain controller called desktop. Put the shortcut in that folder.

Run Batch File Nt Authority SystemNt Authority System Rpc

In the domain logon script, include xcopy servername netlogon desktop *.* “c: documents and settings ”%username% desktop /d /y Or something like thatI just typed it from memory 🙂 It will drop the file on their desktop when they log in. If they delete it, then it gets put back next time they log in. Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe 2010. Once they have it, /d verifies they have the most current version If you need to change it, just change the on int your netlogon desktop folder. Deleting it required delete, but the pash is simmilar. Of course the “correct” microsoft way is using group policy.