The Walt Disney World Explorer
But hold on there, kiddos, WDW Explorer isn’t through yet. It also features a Hidden Mickey game. Yes, as you take your guided tours, surrounded by glowing pixie sprites, you can also try to spot the trademark “Three Circle” symbol hidden in several of the static images. Airsoft Places In Nebraska on this page. If you click it, it would glow and announce “You’ve found a Hidden Mickey!” While this sort of epic gameplay would later be improved and expanded upon by the classic “Where’s Waldo?” series, WDW Explorer was first to introduce it, and millions of gamers agree that this is far more entertaining than shooting zombies or driving virtual go-karts. By far the most interesting feature had to be the Walt Disney World Timeline. Tabctl32 Ocx Visual Basic. This was a map that would allow you to explore the history of the resort, and learn the exact date of when new resorts, parks, and attractions were added. I think these new icons would appear on the map whenever you scrolled the timeline.