Bosch Precision Wfg 2420

La Casa Utorrent Ita. Hi This morning the washing machine operated normally with a full load. This afternoon I put in a new load and when I went to it this evening I was puzzled to find that the washing was still unwashed but the drum felt warm.

I checked the powder and softener compartments to find they were empty. Thinking I was losing it I put in new powder and softener and switched it on. Just been out to it only to find that the same has happened again. Any clues please gentlemen? Appliance Forum User Posts: 9 Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 12:00 am •.

Car Radio Code Calculator Free Software. I recently moved into a new house which came with a set of white good, including a Bosch Precision WFG 2020 washing machine. Mar 16, 2014 Bosch Precision WFG 2420. Discussion in 'Appliances' started by sanfin, 11 Mar 2014.

Bosch Precision Wfg 2420