Classes12 Zip And Ojdbc14

Classes12 Zip And Ojdbc14

From there under 'Technologies, Utilities, and Drivers' select. You mentioned oracle 10, so select, agree to the license conditions, then the following displays. So, the answer to your question is that there is still classes12.jar for use with JDK 1. Cinego D-1000 Service Manual. 2 and 1.3, but it's called ojdbc14. Ftp Download Svoa Drivers. jar for JDK 1.4 (they started that with some oracle 9 jars). JDBC Thin for All Platforms classes12.jar (1,417,089 bytes) - for use with JDK 1.2 and JDK 1.3 classes12_g.jar (1,794,418 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that classes were compiled with 'javac -g' and contain some tracing information. Classes12dms.jar (1,424,743 bytes) - same as classes12.jar, except that it contains additional code`to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. Classes12dms_g.jar (1,802,368 bytes) - same as classes12dms.jar except that classes were compiled with 'javac -g' and contain some tracing information. Ojdbc14.jar (1,352,918 bytes) - classes for use with JDK 1.4 ojdbc14_g.jar (1,691,855 bytes) - same as ojdbc14.jar, except that classes were compiled with 'javac -g' and contain some tracing information.

Ocrs12.jar (54,030 bytes) - classes that implement the javax.sql.rowset interfaces, like CachedRowSet and WebRowSet. To be used with JDK 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4. Orai18n.jar (5,018,093 bytes) - NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4.

This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files. Demo.tar (532,480 bytes) - contains sample JDBC programs.

Classes12.jar - for Java 1.2 and 1.3 ojdbc14.jar - for Java 1.4 and 1.5 ojdbc5.jar - for Java 1.5 ojdbc6.jar - for Java 1.6 Is there something I should be aware of. -JDBC classes. Oracle9i 9.0.1 JDBC Drivers.

Database Driver Type Driver Files Availability of the Driver Files SAP SQL Anywhere 8.0.2, 9.0, 10.0.1, 11.0, 12.0. 16.0, or 17.0 jConnect JDBC driver (Recommended) jconn2.jar for jConnect 5.5, or jconn3.jar for jConnect 6 Available at%Sybase% Shared jConnect-5_5 classes or at%Sybase% Shared jConnect-6_0 classes. Note: Install sql_asa.sql provided at%Sybase% Shared jConnect-5_5 sp for jConnect to function properly. IAnywhere JDBC-ODBC driver For PowerServer on Windows: dbjodbc8.dll, dbjodbc9.dll, or dbjodbc10.dll jodbc.jar For PowerServer on Unix Linux: jodbc.jar Available in SAP SQL Anywhere 8.0.2 Build 4361 or above. For earlier versions, you can obtain the files from. Note: dbjodbc8.dll or dbjodbc9.dll must be copied to%Sybase% Shared jdkversion ire bin.