Missed Message Flasher Donate Apk

Deskripsi Missed Message Flasher Donate Flash the screen, play a sound, or vibrate at set intervals when a new message is received or when a call is missed. Monitors Calendar, Gmail, Hangouts, Google Voice, missed calls, SMS and more. This donate version of the app adds sleep scheduling, on/off widget, monitor any app, locale plugin, etc. How To Use: • Lock the phone (turn off the screen) to activate the app.

Download Missed Message Flasher Donate Flash the screen, play a sound, or vibrate at set intervals when a new message is received or when a call is missed. With ApkDreams you can get latest android apps, android themes, android games, android wallpapers and much more for your android smartphone.

• When an SMS, Gmail, missed call, etc. Is received, the app will repeatedly flash the screen, vibrate or play a sound depending on your settings. • To stop the notification, simply unlock the phone (use the phone/turn on the screen). Geekbench V2.1.6 Incl Keymaker-core. Notes: • Some Samsung devices have an accessibility bug where they may talk (ex: 'folder is open') if any accessibility service is enabled. Please use the Notification service if available.

Missed Message Flasher Donate Apk

• If you're using a 3rd party lockscreen or have disabled it, try unchecking 'Normal Lock Checking.' Please see for more information.

• If you can't upgrade or uninstall, make sure 'Advanced/Force Screen Lock' and 'Advanced/Lock After Missed Call' are disabled. • Please send me an email if you have any other problem -- I may not be able to reply in comments. Berkedip layar, memutar suara, atau bergetar pada interval tertentu ketika pesan baru diterima atau ketika panggilan tidak terjawab. Monitor Kalender, Gmail, Hangouts, Google Voice, panggilan tak terjawab, SMS dan banyak lagi. Ini menyumbangkan versi app menambahkan penjadwalan tidur, on / off widget, memonitor setiap aplikasi, plugin lokal, dll Cara Pemakaian: • Kunci telepon (mematikan layar) untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi. • Ketika sebuah SMS, Gmail, panggilan tidak terjawab, dll diterima, app berulang kali akan berkedip layar, bergetar atau memutar suara tergantung pada pengaturan Anda. • Untuk menghentikan pemberitahuan, cukup membuka telepon (menggunakan telepon / menghidupkan layar).

Catatan: • Beberapa perangkat Samsung memiliki bug aksesibilitas di mana mereka dapat berbicara (ex: 'folder terbuka') jika ada layanan aksesibilitas diaktifkan. Silahkan menggunakan layanan Pemberitahuan jika tersedia. • Jika Anda menggunakan lockscreen pihak ke-3 atau telah dinonaktifkan, coba centang 'Normal Lock Memeriksa.'

Silakan lihat untuk informasi lebih lanjut. • Jika Anda tidak dapat meng-upgrade atau uninstall, pastikan 'Advanced / Angkatan Lock Screen' dan 'Advanced / Lock Panggil Setelah terjawab' dinonaktifkan.

• Kirimkan saya email jika Anda memiliki masalah lain - saya tidak bisa menjawab dalam komentar. Terima kasih!