Donkey Konga 2 Iso Pal

Code: #2 SONGNAME=The Anthem FILENAME=02TheAnthem OFFSET=2 LENGTH=180 PRICE=777 1E=4 1H=5 1X=4 2E=7 2H=6 2X=3 4=7 B=7 C=4 RUBY= COMMENT= GENRE=2 What does this all mean? Well: SONGNAME= Title of Song (Shift-JIS). FILENAME= Beats to load in 'Score' folder (.mid files). OFFSET= Delay before the song starts.

Used for timing the beats. LENGTH= All have 180 (besides 'I Just Wanna Live' in EU version = 200) PRICE= Amount of coins to buy Expert version of song. 1E= Single Easy Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). 1H= Single Normal Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). 1X= Single Hard Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9).

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Donkey Konga 2 Iso

2E= Co-Op Easy Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). 2H= Co-Op Normal Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). 2X= Co-Op Hard Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). 4= Concert Quartet (shown by bananas 0 - 9). B= Battle Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9). C= Concert Share Difficulty (shown by bananas 0 - 9).

RUBY= Displays smaller text above SONG NAME (Shift-JIS). COMMENT= Comment below Song Title (Shift-JIS). GENRE= Sets color background and genre text in top left corner. List of GENRE colors (US version). Code: # Song Name NAME_00=愛のために。 # Song Name's Ruby RUBY_00=あい # Song 1 Line Comment COMM_00=ドラマ エースをねらえ! EDテーマ # Expert Score Price PRICE_00=1260 # Song Genre GENRE_00=TV # Song Offset OFFS_00=2.9 # Difficulty: Range 0-9 # EASY_1P, HARD_1P, EXPERT_1P, EASY_2P, HARD_2P, EXPERT_2P, SHARE, QUARTET, BATTLE DIF_00=4, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3 There was no length data in there, so I'm going to take that 180 is the default length. What this means is I have to put the information into the US format. As for displaying the text, I could just copy what is in the JPN version, or set it up like so: Ruby=愛のために。 Song=For the Sake of Love.

Comment='Aim for the Ace! (Drama)' Ending Theme This way, if you don't know any Japanese and want to research more information about the song, you can. I also had a look at 'Donkey Konga 3' and they use the '.res' as the US / EU version (which means translating the game would be easy, but that doesn't help with the saving problem). You can however import the songs (besides the Famicom one) into 'Donkey Konga 2', since they use the same format as the US / EU version.

Okay, I've got the 'SongInfo.res' updated to include the Japanese data. I may make some minor edits to the text and make sure the banana difficult for each mode is correct, but I can start putting the songs in.

At the moment, four songs have been injected: I'll try and record a video this weekend to show it does work. I've also changed the Game ID. Very easy to do. There is one in the 'ISO.hdr' and one in the 'Start.dol'.

The game ID has to match, otherwise it won't save. Apparently, no Gamecube games use number for the second letter, so I've given the game the following ID: 'G2JE'. This way, you don't have to delete the US save, since it will create a different one instead. Now to inject the rest!

I was thinking of changing the quote to mention 'Doraemon's Song' with the 'Kittycat' sound set, telling the user it makes the song sound so adorable (or purrfect )! Any ideas would be a great help. I know where the save text is in the game, I just need to figure where the pointer is, to make the text longer. July 24, 2013, 03:05:39 pm - (Auto Merged - Double Posts are not allowed before 7 days.) Making the Save Text file longer might be too difficulty (and not worth the time), so I've gone with 'D. Konga 2 (JP)'. It does the job.

Under the 'Street Performance' mode, I've added in text to idicate the song list if from the Japanese version. I borrowed one of my brother's monitors so I could run the Japanese version on my GameCube and the modified iso on the Wii. Autocad Lt Mac Cracked. All the banana difficulties are correct and so are the expert price songs. Just got to check the 'beats to hit' for each difficulty (hope to do this week). The 'beats to hit' files have all be renamed and removed the non-English '.res' files in the 'Resource' folder.

This will make locating the English text much easier. Plus when I go and import other songs, it will not take as long. Time for an update! All the beats for each have been checked and load correctly, so I'm happy to say a beta patch will be released this Friday (hopefully). I just got to write the review to say how to patch the file. The patch at the moment is around 180MB, so it means I won't be able to host it on this website.