Singer Puzzle Box Attachment Manual

I’ve had a puzzle box since 2009 that I knew was missing some parts, but I never had looked closely to see what was missing. I’ve also been collecting orphaned parts from yard and estate sales for about 8 years. Since I’ve been using my 1901 Singer 27K2 a little lately, I decided to see if I could get an attachment set put together for it. The puzzle box that I’ve had is a Style 11, but I think my machine would have probably had a Style 3 come out with it. Since I don’t have a Style 3, and they’re less common, I’ll use the Style 11 until I can come up with the appropriate one. I have assembled what I think is a complete Style 11 box, and while researching it, I think I’ve figured out one reason that they call them “Puzzle” Boxes.

Singer Puzzle Box Style 11 I’ve. I decided to see if I could get an attachment set put. Trouble and annoyance' Quote from Singer Model 99 Manual.. Singer Attachments/Accessories Singer Puzzle Box Instructions. Attachments for Singer 66-1 & 66-3 Machines. Courtesy of Claire Sherwell. Singer Attachment Case ~ Puzzle Box. To the left side scroll all the way down to 'Singer Puzzle Box. Singer Attachment Instructions; Online Singer Manuals from.

The puzzling part to me is why the Instructions for the Style 11 attachments refer to “The Foot Hemmer No. 26152” for felling, but I can’t for the life of me see it in the photo of the set. Where am I missing it? CD in Oklahoma. Intermediate Algebra For College Students 4th Edition Blitzer.

Singer Puzzle Box Attachment ManualSinger Sewing Machine Puzzle Box

Attachments Very commonly, we find old sewing machines with a selection of attachments in the drawers, in an old cardboard box, or in special attachments boxes of tin, or, if we're very lucky, in the Singer folding 'puzzle boxes'. While fascinating, generally, we have little or no idea of what these items were specifically for or how they worked.

Cindy Peters has provided a scan of a complete Singer 27 attachment manual from the turn of the century. This should be helpful in identifying some of those old attachments, or in arranging them in the puzzle box if you have one. Most of the attachments were pretty similar even between brands, so if you have a non-Singer attachment you're wondering about, it's worth a look here. You might be able to recognize it and figure out how it works. We've kept the size large to make it readable, so the download for the page will take awhile. Also, there seems to be two page 9's.

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