Cetsc.exe Mstscax.dll Credui.dll

Cetsc RDP:cetsc.exe for windows mobile it is not wpc.exe. Home; Download. Mstscax.dll cetsc.exe Download users: Relate files: Comment: Add Comment. Sep 08, 2014 Unable to do imports from.dll nightmare. Windows Embedded Compact. Will late bind Warning 32 Warning: Unable to do imports from mstscax.dll to CREDUI. Warning during builing of OS Design Hallo. To do imports from mstscax.dll to CREDUI.dll - will. Wcf 4.5 Pdf. To do imports from cetsc.exe to CREDUI.dll - will.

As far as I can tell, all required libraries are now present, except for the incorrect version of mstscax.dll. I haven't been able to get executabilitycheck to run on my system, and for dependency walker I the ce system won't let me copy the dll's in the windows directory to the PC so I can't check those. Though I assume if they're in the windows dir they're already the proper versions for my system and have the required sub-libs? According to PEinfo I seem to have everything I need for cetsc.exe and credui.dll, so mstscax should [I hope] be all I still need. -Dana RTFM Posted 2010-04-13 2:21 AM #.

The Terminal Services Active X control (mstscax.dll) does not match the version of the Client Shell. After you apply a Windows XP service pack, the remote desktop session fails View products that this article applies to. Article ID: 928055 Last Review: February 8, 2007 Revision: 1.0 SYMPTOMS After you use Remote Desktop Client Control (Mstscax.dll) to make a remote desktop connection from a Microsoft Windows XP-based computer, the remote desktop session fails. This problem occurs after you apply Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) on a client computer. For example, when you try to connect to a Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2003 R2-based computer that has Remote Desktop for Administration installed, you receive the following error message: Remote Admin Connection Remote Admin Web Connection ActiveX Control could not be installed. A connection cannot be made without a working installed version of the control. Please contact the server administrator.

The remote desktop connection then fails. Back to the top CAUSE This problem occurs when the Mstscax.dll file is not reregistered when the Windows XP service pack is applied. Back to the top RESOLUTION To solve this problem, run the Regsvr32.exe program to reregister the Mstscax.dll file. To do this, click Start, click Run, type regsvr32%systemroot% system32 msts cax.dll, and then click OK. Still getting the Error Message? The Terminal Services Active X control (mstscax.dll) does not match the version of the Client Shell.
